
Simply, a biofuel is a fuel derived immediately from living matter
A biofuel is a hydrocarbon that is made by or from a living organism that we humans can use to power something. In practical consideration, any hydrocarbon fuel that is produced from organic matter (living or once living material) in a short period of time (days, weeks, or even months) is considered a biofuel.

  • The chemical structure of biofuels can differ in the same way that the chemical structure of fossil fuels can differ. Ethanol has about half the energy per mass of gasoline, which means it takes twice as much ethanol to get the same energy. Ethanol burns cleaner than gasoline, however, producing less carbon monoxide. Biodiesel has slightly less energy than regular diesel. It burns cleaner than diesel, producing less particulate and fewer sulfur compounds.Methanol has about one third to one half as much energy as methane. Methanol is a liquid and easy to transport whereas methane is a gas that must be compressed for transportation. Biobutanol has slightly less energy than gasoline, but can run in any car that uses gasoline without the need for modification to engine components.

  • There are several factors that decide the balance between biofuel and fossil fuel use around the world. Those factors are cost, availability, and food supply. The availability of fossil fuels has been of concern from day one of their discovery. Fossil fuels are not renewable, which means they will run out at some point.

Benefits of Biofuels


Most of the fossil fuels will expire and end up in smoke one day.Since most of the sources are renewable and are not likely to run out any time soon, making the use of biofuels efficient in nature. These crops can be replanted again and again.

Reduce Greenhouse Gases

Fossil fuels, when burnt, produce large amount of greenhouse gases i.e. carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. These greenhouse gases trap sunlight and cause planet to warm. The burning of coal and oil increases the temperature and causes global warming. To reduce the impact ofgreenhouse gases, people around the world are using biofuels. Studies suggests that biofuels reduces greenhouse gases up to 65 percent.

Economic Security

Not every country has large reserves of crude oil. For them, having to import the oil puts a huge dent in the economy. If more people start shifting towards biofuels, a country can reduce its dependence on fossil fuels. More jobs will be created with a growing biofuel industry, which will keep our economy secure.

Lower Levels of Pollution

Since biofuels can be made from renewable resources, they cause less pollution to the planet. However, that is not the only reason why the use of biofuels is being encouraged. They release lower levels of carbon dioxide and other emissions when burnt. Although the production of biofuels creates carbon dioxide as a byproduct, it is frequently used to grow the plants that will be converted into the fuel. This allows it to become something close to a self-sustaining system.